Sunday 12 September 2010

Day 11 - The rain in Spain, stays mainly on the plane, whilst here in Hong Kong it's raining cats, dogs, newts and turtles!!!

When it rains here, it really rains.  I mean torrential downpours.  The only saving grace is that's it's warm rain!

When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining but the minute I stepped out the door, the heavens opened!  That put paid to my catch up day of tanning!  Sightseeing is no fun in the rain either so another day of being virtually confined to barracks!!

Went on the McDonalds breakfast run for my Sausage & Egg McMuffin as my Sunday treat.  Despite of the rain, the streets were heaving

Strange Head Gear sighting of The Day;

Customised hard hat with wicker brim!!  Priceless lol.

Came back and ate my breakfast and read the News of The World online.  Looks like Ricky Hatton hasbeen a naughty boy!

Decided I take a stroll round the park as the rain had died down.  Big mistake, the heavens opened again and I was caught in it.  The park was full of little groups of people feasting under brollies and makeshift shelters using plastic and aided by climbing frames.

I had to stealth mode these next pics so no one would spot me taking them. Apologies for the blurriness!

Got back, dried off, read my book for a bit - god knows what I'll do when I finish it!

Decided I'd pay Delicious Kitchen another visit as I was very impressed with the Chicken, Ham and Shrimp Fried Noodles I'd had the other night.  While I was waiting for my takeaway I'd seen little bowls of rice with what I'd describe as breaded/battered meat on top.  I thought tonight I'd try and be a bit healthier and went for chicken steamed rice with vegetables. BIG MISTAKE!!!!

This was the most vile, disgusting meal I have ever seen!

 This bowl was cold, steamed chicken sawed up into 1" strips, complete with plucked chicken skin and marrow bone!

I'll think twice about going back.  I should know better seeing as also listed on the menu is Sea Blubber, Sea Blubber & Chicken in Wine Sauce, Braised Pigs Knuckle in Wine Sauce and Peppery Pork Ears!!!

Today has been very dull except for a Chinese man having a row about something or other out in the hall way.  If I could of understood, it could have been quite interesting!!

Observations for today;

  1. All Chinese people greet each other with a handshake.
  2. Rain does not stop play!
Oh, I have a stalker on Facebook! His name is Clarence and in his words, he's from Tenn just outside Nash lol. He keeps emailing me asking what time it is, asking about the weather and the seasons here!  I always attract them!

Well that just about sums up today. Dull!

Thanks for dropping by.  I'm off to the land of nod now.

Good night all xxxxxxx

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