Saturday 4 September 2010

No more drip drip aircon!!!

Day 3 in HK. 

Moved out my lovely hotel in Central. The humidity was way too much for me to cope with. Got the MTR to Causeway Bay. God, this place is like going into town on a Saturday afternoon!! Imagine having a huge case (thank god for the 360 degree wheels, wise purchase), and a cabin case all on your own. I'm gonna have biceps on my biceps at this rate!!  At least this place has a breeze!!!

My new abode is on Paterson St but dumb ass here forgot to right the address down so been wheeling both cases up and down the street for the last hr. Found myself a bar that has Wi-Fi so managed to get the address but had to buy yet another diet coke for the privilege!

God knows what the new place is going to be like at £20 a night and trying to get to the 3rd floor with both my cases means I need a quick rest before the battle!

It looks like a nice day today so might go and see the laser show at the harbour.

No calls about work yet but did meet some random old men in the street earlier who have been here for 17yrs. They said they know loads who have done courier work so will stick this out.

At least this area seems more English with their Vivienne Westwood, Max Mara shops!!!

I miss England. You can take the girl out of England but you can't take England out the girl xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. loving the blog, didnt know you was doing this, good way to keep people informed ;0)
    take care xxx
